Oxford Happy Hustlers

     On May 6, 2017, the Oxford Happy Hustlers 4-H club met at Dan and Debby’s Creamery in Ely, Iowa. Members were given a tour of the shop, learned about the creamery’s process, and got to sample their ice cream!

     To follow, the regular meeting of the Oxford Happy Hustlers was May 6 at 11:30 a.m. at Godfather’s Pizza. Four member, four guests and two leaders were present. The meeting was called to order by president Morgan Strait. Roll Call was, “What is your favorite place to eat?” It was answered by four members. The secretary’s report was given by Nicole Guenther. No correspondence was presented. The treasurer’s report was not given, and no bills were presented. Committee reports were given by Lillian Strait on basketball, Sara Flores on the club trip to the Bean Farm, and by Morgan Strait on Easter baskets.

     In Old Business, the county clothing event and communications day was scheduled to be held in the Extension office on Saturday, May 13.

     In New Business, the annual livestock tour was scheduled for June 4. All members needed to be registered online to show livestock by May 15, and paperwork submitted to the Jones County Extension office by July 1. The 4-H Excellence in the Expo was scheduled for Tuesday, May 16. This is open to all members, but is recommended for first-year members. Members were to bring ideas to the next meeting for this year’s fair booth. All members were to bring one dozen homemade cookies to the next meeting.

     The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Nicole Guenther and seconded by Sara Flores. The next meeting was scheduled for June 4 at 5 p.m.

 ­ – Nicole Guenther, reporter



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