Prairie Hill

     The September meeting of the Prairie Hill 4-H Club was held on Monday, Sept. 16, at  the Jones County Youth Development Center. The meeting was called to order at 6:18 p.m. by Lauren Koehler, Vice President. The Pledge to the American Flag was led by Kendall Siebels. Roll call of “What career would you like to have when you grow up?” was answered by 36 members. Four leaders and five guests were in attendance.

     There was no Secretary’s Report.

     Treasurer Lake Schnoor reported that the club has $3,249.07 in its account. Bills payable to Nichole Moestchen for $20 for record book covers and $54 to Karla Koehler for record book rewards were presented. Dawson Ricklefs made a motion to approve payment of the bills. Kyle Arduser seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

     Club Officers for 2019-2020 were elected as follows. President: Lauren Koehler; Vice President: Leah Koehler; Secretary: Kendall Siebels; Treasurer: Taylor Gassman; Reporter: Adele Hogan; Historian: Lily Moestchen; Photographer: Lake Schnoor.

     Premium checks, 2019-2020 Club Programs, National 4-H Week School Locker Signs and Edgewood Locker Fundraiser sheets were distributed to members.

     Twenty-nine members were recognized for completing and turning in a 4-H record book for the 2018-2019 year.

     Important dates were reviewed. 4-H Volleyball Fun Day is Nov. 9. Awards Day is Nov. 10 and Club Officer Training in Clinton County is Nov. 17.

     Miranda Rieken made a motion for the club to purchase six Prairie Hill signs for display at county and state fair at a cost of no more than $400. Claire Hogan seconded the motion. Motion carried.

     4-H Make a Difference Day is Oct. 26. The club agreed to schedule a presentation event similar to their event held at Pennington Square last year to celebrate.

     The next meeting of Prairie Hill 4-H Club will be on Monday, Oct. 21 at 6:30 p.m. Pumpkin carving for members will begin at 5:30 p.m.

     Lake Schnoor gave a presentation about soil reinforcement with geotextiles. Mace gave a presentation about native trees of Jones County and Roth Schnoor gave a presentation about jewelweed. Lily Moestchen gave a presentation about chicken breeds. Logan gave a presentation about bantam chickens.

 The meeting concluded with the Pledge to the 4-H Flag led by Lily Moestchen.

 – Leah Koehler,

Vice President-elect



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