Auditor encourages participation in Voter Registration Month

     Jones County Auditor Whitney Hein and Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate are encouraging Iowans to celebrate National Voter Registration Month in September by registering to vote. Iowans who are already registered are urged to ensure their information is current. Tuesday, Sept. 20, is National Voter Registration Day.

   “If you are not currently registered to vote and are planning to vote in the General Election in November, please pre-register before the deadline on Oct. 24,” said County Auditor Whitey Hein. “While you can register to vote at the polls on Election Day, the wait time at the polls will be much shorter for those that are pre-registered.”

   The National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) established September as National Voter Registration Month in 2002 as a non-partisan means of encouraging voter participation and increasing awareness about state requirements and deadlines for voting.

   “Registering to vote gives you the power to make your voice heard by casting your ballot,” Secretary Pate said. “It’s important to make sure your registration is up-to-date, especially ahead of the November General Election.”

   To register to vote in Iowa, you must be at least 17 years old. The deadline to pre-register before November’s General Election is Monday, Oct. 24. Approximately 90 percent of eligible Iowans are registered to vote.

   To check your voter registration status, register to vote, or update your information, visit or


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