County starts to look at FY 2024 budget

Board of Supervisors
Kim Brooks
Express Editor

   The Jones County Supervisors are preparing to start work on the county's Fiscal Year 2024 budget.

   During the Nov. 29 board meeting, County Auditor Whitney Hein asked the board for advice on the FY24 budget schedule.

   "I am working on getting the budget documents prepared to get to the department heads by the end of the week," she offered. "They'll start their reviews, and they'll be due back to me in early January."

   Jan. 20 is the statutory deadline for when the board of supervisors can start working on the budget.

   "The earlier we start, the better," urged Hein.

   She told the board that her office has been receiving several funding requests from outside entities who want to plead their case in front of the board.

   "We can't do them all in January," Hein said of the funding request visits. "We need to spread them out a bit in December and January."

   She said the board will also be meeting with department heads as well during this time.

   Hein offered to send out reminders to those outside entities explaining what she requires of those requesting county funding in terms of documents.

   Supervisor Jeff Swisher asked Hein if she had heard any budget projections from other county auditors at this point. She had not.

In other county business:

   • The board approved the county's 2023 holiday schedule. The county offices will be closed on the following dates: Jan. 2, Feb. 20, May 29, July 4, Sept. 4, Nov. 10, Nov. 23 and 24, Dec. 25 and 26, and Jan. 1, 2024.

   • The board made of record the Board of Health's approval of a wage increase for Mallory Holub, from $21 an hour to $21.63. They also made of record Holub's change in job title from Community Health Assistant to Public Health Assistant. These take effect Jan. 1.

   • Assistant Engineer Todd Postel met with the board to discuss a partial land acquisition contract with Steve Barber for the County Road X-64 culvert replacement project. This is the first phase of the project, with repaving to take place in phase two.

   In pursuing right of way negotiations, Postel said he only needs two parcels to replace a bridge with a box culvert. He offered Barber $1,500; he countered with $1,900 for .09 acre.

   The board suggested Postel counter and split the difference at $1,750.

   "It sets a precedence," Supervisor John Schlarmann said of giving in with a higher offer.

   Postel said he would keep the board apprised of what transpires.

   This second phase also includes flattening the slopes and 50 driveway entrances, as well as clearing and grubbing. Postel hopes to let the project in January or February 2024. His project estimate is between $600,000 and $650,000.


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