Families invited to library Story Time at Pennington, Sept. 9

Kim Brooks
Express Editor

     The Monticello Public Library is partnering with Pennington Square Assisted Living to bring Story Time to Pennington.

   As part of National Assisted Living Week, Sept. 8-14, Librarian Penny Schmit and Pennington will host an intergenerational Story Time on Monday, Sept. 9, at 6 p.m., open to all ages and the public.

   Schmit said pre-COVID, the library brought Story Time to Monticello Nursing and Rehabilitation Center once a month.

   "We brought our core group of families to MNRC, some even had family there at the center," she said. "Doing an intergeneration Story Time at Pennington will be lots of fun for the residents and the families who attend.

   "Building relationships with others in our community, like Pennington Square, helps bring together different ages who might not usually be together," she added. "If a resident doesn't have family close by, or family with young children, they might not interact with children as often as they might have earlier in life."

   Story Time and Pennington will include reading children's books, songs, rhymes, a craft, and a snack.

   "Reading out loud to kids is one of the best parts of my job," boasted Schmit. "The stories I will read for Assisted Living Week will all be about families."

   One such book is "How to Read to a Grandma or Grandpa" by Jean Reagan. Quite fitting…

   "Throughout the last four years, since COVID" recalled Schmit, "we have changed up our Story Time offering what we call a 'Family Story Time.' We welcome families of all ages of children to join us. Older children make great role models for the little ones who are learning about sitting and listening during Story Time. The older kids are great at helping those younger with activities and crafts."

   Schmit said the smiles on the kids' faces and the laughter a certain book or song might spur brings a smile to everyone's face.

   "Sharing a good picture book is a great way to bring children and adults together," she urged.

   Following Assisted Living Week, once a month beginning in October, Schmit will bring Story Time to Pennington Square at 6 p.m.

   "Pennington will be providing a snack after each Story Time."


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