The future of our country depends on your vote in 2022

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor,

     Here are the sour fruits of the Biden Administration: 1. A disaster at the southern border, 2. A disaster in the Afghanistan withdrawal, 3. Galloping inflation, 4. Soaring crime rates, 5. Resurgence of COVID, 6. Institutionalizing racist teaching in our education system, and 7. Requiring your teenage daughter to athletically compete against and share locker rooms with biological, gender-confused males.

     What explains President Biden’s performance? Is he trying to wreck our country? Is he only operating on the basis of perceived political advantage? Is he incompetent?

     President Biden’s education and border policies present the strongest case for the proposition that he is trying to wreck the country. Why else would you sow racial division and gender confusion in schools? As for the border, all Biden had to do was to continue President Trump’s effective policies. Yet, he reversed Trump’s policies and harvested chaos.

     Now if you believe, as Biden does, that our country is inherently evil and racist, might you seek to wreck it? Wouldn’t you replace the populace with people from other countries who would undoubtedly be better than the decrepit citizens of the U.S.? By bringing in missions of outsiders, and making them citizens ASAP, you would place the country in the control of those who are our moral betters.

     It is more likely, however, that Biden’s border policy is based solely on perceived political advantage. By importing millions of new voters, who Biden believes will vote Democrat, he will insure the dominance of the Democratic Party for generations. The immigrants who are robbed, raped, murdered or sex trafficked by the cartels do not count. The Americans who will be subjected to increased deaths from COVID, crime, and drug addiction do not count. The lower income Americans who will suffer job or wage loss due to a flooded labor market do not count. All that counts is power.

     While most agree with the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Biden’s execution of it is a mess, which will almost certainly result in thousands of Americans and Afghan allies being abandoned. Fox News recently interviewed an American woman in Kabul, who tearfully described how she fears execution every time a car drives by her residence. Her existence, she said, is a nightmare from which she wants to wake up, but can’t.

     Meanwhile, it appears that Biden is bowing to the Taliban’s demand that, while they block Americans from going to the Kabul airport, the U.S. must withdraw by their “red line,” originally proposed by Biden, of Aug. 31.

     This fiasco is probably due to a combination of Biden’s incompetence and senility. Who else would be dumb enough to withdraw our troops while leaving our citizens and allies behind?

     Recent Rasmussen polls show the American people are waking up. Today, 47 percent of likely voters strongly disapprove of Biden’s performance, while only 27 percent strongly approve. Fifty-two percent believe Biden is not “physically and mentally up to the job of being President of the United States.” Fifty-one percent believe others are making the decisions for Biden. Only 34 percent believe the country is headed in the right direction. If the election were held today, 43 percent would vote for Trump, 37 percent would vote for Biden, and 14 percent would vote for someone else. The only counter indicator to this trend is that only 51 percent believe Biden will not serve out his full term, a decline from 59 percent in August of 2020.

     We are in a race against time to save our country. Vote Republicans in 2022 so Congress may counter these catastrophes. Your country’s future depends upon it.

Donald W. Bohlken

Indianola, Iowa


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