House Republican Newsletter

Guest Column
Lee Hein
Iowa State Representative, 96th Dist.

House Majority Introduces Education Priorities

     The House Majority last week unveiled our school-funding plan for the next school year. The plan contains increased funding, an extension of infrastructure dollars, property tax relief for districts, transportation funding for districts with high costs, and a host of new flexibility provisions for existing dollars.

     The plan started with committee work on State Supplemental Aid (SSA) to schools, a move that sets the increase for school district general fund budgets and other specific funds used for students and programs. Additional details on the rest of the plan will be released over the coming weeks as the Education Committee works through the various policy proposals.

Increased School Funding

     Following seven years of increased funding for schools, the House Majority once again put education first by establishing FY 2019 school aid increases as the first budget item. After over $730 million in increases over the past years, the proposed increase for FY19 adds another $32 million to the list. This is the result of a 1 percent increase in the per pupil amount that the state spends, otherwise known as SSA. In this number is the continuation of the state providing property tax relief by picking up the increase in property taxes that results from increasing the per pupil amount.

     Since coming into the majority in 2011, the House Majority has worked across the aisle and with the Senate to increase state aid to schools from $2.446 billion in FY11 to $3.211 billion, a $765 million increase. That equates to a 31 percent increase over that period.

Education as a Priority

     While an increase in funding was a priority for the House Majority, it’s important to keep in mind the context under which the new school funding was issued. A decrease in state revenue meant that cuts in state spending needs to be addressed with reductions in some areas. K-12 funding was not cut in any way during these discussions and actions, when many other areas of state spending will see reductions.

     It’s quite simple. The House Majority values public education in this state and have since 2011. State funding for schools has increased every year under our leadership; we helped lead the charge on a transformative education reform package that put teacher leaders in every building in the state to elevate the teacher profession, backing it up with over $150 million in annual funding; beginning teacher pay was increased; the number of teachers state-wide and the average teacher salary have increased every year; and Iowa’s ranking among the states for per-pupil spending is steadily increasing.


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