Sec. of Agriculture Naig listens to rural, urban concerns
To the Editor,
Seeking elected office is more than simply waging a campaign.
It requires an individual with multi-faceted talent and responsibility – with service as a foundation.
Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has been serving Iowans since joining the Department of Agriculture in 2013, working alongside Secretary Bill Northey as his Deputy Secretary.
As Deputy Secretary for over four years, Naig was in charge of the operations of the department, including policy, budget, and personnel. Secretary Naig knows the department, how it works, and the talented people who make it run.
But most importantly Mike has traveled the state and LISTENED to urban and rural residents’ concerns and their suggested solutions to water quality issues, federal legislation, and rules and the evolving future of agriculture.
Having led international trade missions, Secretary Naig knows and is well respected by leaders from Iowa, other countries, and many other state agriculture secretaries and commissioners that will help expand Iowa agricultural opportunities.
Secretary Naig was endorsed by Bill Northey, served as Deputy Secretary for over four years, and was appointed as Iowa Secretary of Agriculture by Governor Reynolds. Secretary Naig deserves to be able to continue serving urban and rural Iowans by being elected the candidate designee at the June 5 Primary Election. Please vote for Mike Naig.
Diana Stadtmueller
Monticello, Iowa