Vote for the candidates that reflect your values

Kim Brooks
Babbling Brooks Column
Kim Brooks
Express Editor

     It’s interesting, but after 10-plus years of living and working here in Monticello, people tend to think they know you.

     A few really do know me… But most of you are probably completely off base.

     Yes, I tend to politically lean to the left; that’s no secret to some. Rep. Lee Hein even acknowledges my political balance.

     But what might surprise you is the honest fact that I definitely do not vote in accordance with my political slant. I vote for the person, the candidate, not the party. I don’t vote straight ticket or “down ballot,” as they say.

     And I’m not ashamed to say I vote for both parties.

     “You vote for Republicans?” Yes, I do!

     Voting for the person rather than the party behind their name is what keeps our government in balance, both locally, statewide, and nationwide. We should not live in a nation where one single party rules us all, because we’re not all cut from the same cookie cutter. A government made up of two primary parties allows us all to have a voice.

     Just because a candidate aligns with a particular political party doesn’t necessarily mean that person whole-heartedly aligns with that party. Some candidates are middle-of-the-road candidates, and this allows them to work across the aisle with others.

     Looking at the list of candidates on the Nov. 3 ballot, be sure to do your homework on what each candidate stands for. Take party affiliation off your list of considerations. Look at what the candidates stand for. Where do they fall when it comes to the issues that are of most importance to you?

     I may be a left-leaner, but there are some Democratic candidates who don’t fall in line with my personal beliefs. Their opponents will likely get my vote.

     Every four years, everyone says that the election that year is the most important election of our time. It was said four years ago, and now it’s being said again today.

     But the truth is, voting in any election is important. It is your right to vote. It’s your duty to vote.

     And for those who say voting does nothing, or ask what good is voting when it does not insight change? Well you’re wrong!

     Voting allows for change in office from the city and county level all the way to the state and federal level. Voting for the candidate that represents you and your values allows you to have a voice in the decision-making process. Laws are made that reflect your life, not that of a single political party in office.

     This has already been one of the most highly anticipated, highly politicized elections, and Election Day has yet to arrive. Add to the history-making election on Nov. 3, and VOTE!


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