We have a program for that

Guest Column
Gretchen Kriegel
MCSD Curriculum & Special Education Director

     As a part of the public education system, public schools in Iowa are required to offer specialized programs to meet the social, emotional, and academic learning needs of the students they serve. These programs are specifically designed to support students beyond the implementation of the general curriculum. Monticello Schools offers several programs designed to meet the unique needs of students throughout the district. These programs are in place to ensure students have the opportunity to reach their greatest personal and academic potential.

     Since the beginning of the 20th Century, schools have taken on more and more responsibilities beyond teaching reading, writing and arithmetic. Below are just a few of the additional programs and services offered by the district to better support students:

     Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programming – Career and technical education programs frequently offer both academic and career-oriented courses. Many CTE courses provide students with the opportunity to gain work experience through internships, job shadowing, on-the-job training, and industry-certification opportunities. Career and technical education programs at Monticello provide a wide range of learning experiences spanning many different career tracks, fields, and industries, from skilled trades such as welding, manufacturing, agricultural education, small engine repair, to culinary arts, design, accounting, and business education.

     Students are introduced to the CTE areas in Middle School through exploratory classes. At the high school level students are able to take semester long courses in a variety of CTE areas.

     At-Risk and Drop Out Prevention – Dropout prevention interventions services are provided to students grades K-12. Programming and initiatives aim to keep students in school and encourage them to successfully graduate from high school and either continue their education or enter the workforce. Interventions and services such as counseling, behavior and academic monitoring, alternative high school, and check-and-connect mentoring, are provided to reduce barriers to student academic, personal and career/vocational success.

     Gifted and Talented – Students identified as having academic talents or gifts are entitled to the Monticello Extended Learning Program (ELP) services. ELP provides students academic challenge in regular classroom setting, enrichment and accelerated pullout programs. Enrichment programming is offered to students in grades K-3. In grades 4-8 students are provided with pullout academic programming in the areas of Reading, English Language Arts and Mathematics. In grades 9-12 students have the opportunity to take accelerated and advanced placement courses along with college level courses while in high school as soon as their Freshman year.

     Special Education – Special Education programming and services are provided to students ages 3 to 21 that are determined to be eligible for services by an Individual Education Program (IEP) Team. Special Education services vary in design and level of support to students. Programs are designed to ensure that the specific learning needs of students with disabilities are met in the least restrictive educational environment possible. When entitled students reach age 14 programming is designed to include transition services in the areas of living, learning and working.

     PreSchool – The purpose of Iowa’s Preschool Program for four year-old children is to provide an opportunity for all young children in the State of Iowa to enter kindergarten ready to learn at high levels. The allocation of funds for Statewide Preschool Programming is intended to improve access to quality early childhood education and to increase the number of children participating in quality programs. Monticello Schools offers Little Panther preschool to children ages 3 and 4 and partners with other community based preschool programs to ensure quality programming is being provided across the Monticello Community School District.

     Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) – The Monticello LEIP teaches English language comprehension to English Language Learners through the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to attain English proficiency and academic competence. Through the Monticello LEIP students are better equipped and able to develop an understanding of American culture and society. Program goals are designed to promote respect of students’ first language, culture, ethnicity, and heritage while simultaneously supporting a student as they acclimate to new learning environments and culture. In addition to classroom supports, Monticello offers after school and summer programs to English Learners through Title III grant funding.

     Transition Programs – For a district our size we offer several different transition services for students entitled to special education and section 504 programming as they transition from high school to post-secondary life. The Transition Center provides continued education to students from Monticello and neighboring districts following graduation in the areas of living learning and working. Each student that attends the Transition Center is provided with individualized education to meet his or her transition needs.

     Monticello is one of the few school districts in Iowa to offer a Transition Alliance Program or TAP which a joint partnership between the school district and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services. The district currently shares this the TAP program with Midland Schools. Students in TAP develop employability skills and academic skills to ensure a successful transition to post-secondary life. Monticello’s TAP serves students from age 14 through 25.

     Monticello Schools also partners with other agencies such as Career Connections and Kirkwood Community College to ensure students are provided the employment and educational services they need to successfully transition from high school to post secondary life.

     If you would like more information on these programs or additional programs or services offered by the Monticello School District, please contact District Curriculum Director Gretchen Kriegel at gretchen.kriegel@monticello.k12.ia.us.


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