Words on Wellness

Guest Column
Rachel Wall
Nutrition & Health Specialist, ISU Extension & Outreach

Get Active with Gardening

     April is National Garden Month, and if you garden, you probably have experienced many of the benefits. Gardening not only provides nutritious food, it also provides a great cardio and strengthening workout. Spending time connecting with nature can also relieve stress. The regular physical activity gardening provides helps prevent heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. The strength gained (think carrying watering cans full of water or pushing a wheelbarrow) helps prevent osteoporosis as well. As with any physical activity, it is important to check with your doctor if you have concerns.

     Consider starting a garden this year. It does not have to be big, even a window box or a few containers provide many benefits.

     Learn more about the benefits of growing your own produce at articles.extension.org/pages/27731/benefits-of-growing-your-own-fruits-and-vegetables.

Food Safety for Donated Garden Produce

     Donating extra produce from your garden is a great way to reduce waste and address food insecurity in your community. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach has two publications that are useful to review if you plan to donate produce this growing season.

     “Growing Together: Food Safety in Donation Gardens” provides useful tips for keeping donation garden produce safe during the stages of growing, harvest, and transport. Tips include keeping pets away from the garden, washing hands before and after handling produce, and using municipal (drinking) water to rinse and remove visible dirt from produce.

     Another publication titled “Top 13 Vegetables to Donate to Food Pantries” discusses the produce that food pantries prefer to receive because clients recognize them, they are simple to prepare, they can be used in many different ways, and they can be stored at least one or two days without refrigeration.

     Find the no-cost resources online at the Extension Store.

     • Growing Together: Food Safety in Donation Gardens, store.extension.iastate.edu/product/15257

     • Top 13 Vegetables to Donate to Food Pantries, store.extension.iastate.edu/product/14938



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