Words on Wellness

Guest Column
Kelsey Salow
Human Sciences Specialist, ISU Extension & Outreach

Try a New Winter Sport 

Have you always wanted to learn how to ski? How about ice skating? Snowboarding? Snowshoeing? Now’s the time! 

There are a variety of winter activities right outside your doorstep that are affordable and fun. The best part—you can burn calories while enjoying yourself! 

A 150-pound person can burn approximately 415 calories per hour cross-country skiing. 

Check out the DNR website (www.iowadnr.gov) for trails and other winter activities!

New Year, New Tips to Keep Your Mind Sharp 

One in five older adults experience mild cognitive impairment (MCI). MCI is a slight decline in mental abilities with memory and thinking skills. 

MCI increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Adopting a lifestyle that stimulates and nurtures your brain can help prevent cognitive decline.

Tips to maintain your brain health 

• Take care of your health. Get recommended health screenings, manage chronic health problems, limit use of alcohol, quit smoking, and try for seven to eight hours of sleep nightly. 

• Eat healthy foods. Embrace a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts/seeds, with fish while eating less of other meat. 

• Be physically active. Try to do short bouts (10 minutes) of movements throughout the day! Aim for 150 minutes weekly. 

• Keep your mind active. Find and maintain hobbies! Try volunteering. 

• Stay socially connected. Maintain close relationships and try to make new ones by getting involved in your community!

Fat is Good! 

A diet higher in unsaturated fat has multiple benefits, including improving cholesterol levels, lowering inflammation as well as reducing risk of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.

Healthy Fat Food: 

• Nuts 

• Seeds 

• Vegetable oils 

• Fish 

• Soybeans 

• Avocado


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