Words on Wellness

Guest Column
Kelsey Salow
Human Sciences Specialist, ISU Extension & Outreach

Setting SMART Physical Activity Goals

     With fall approaching, the new schedule for school and work has likely changed your routine. However, that doesn’t mean your exercise routine has to go. To keep yourself accountable, set a SMART goal for fall.

     • Specific – This is the “what” of your goal, describing exactly what you’re going to do and where.

     For example, “I will walk outside more often.”

     • Measurable – How can you measure your goal each day, month, of year? Add specific units and numbers to your goal.

     “I will walk outside 30 minutes a day.”

     • Attainable – Is this goal attainable for you? Think about your current fitness level and the competing demands on your time.

     • Relevant – Is this goal meaningful and beneficial to you?

     • Time-bound – What is the timeframe of your goal? How many days a week, and for how long?

     For example, “In the month of September, I will walk outside for at least 20 minutes at least three days a week.”

     At the end of your timeframe, you can evaluate your success and make a new SMART goal.


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