About Us

Welcome to the Monticello Express!

The Monticello Express has been serving Monticello, Jones County and more since 1865. We celebrated our 150th year in 2015! We are the official newspaper of Monticello and Jones County, Iowa. Over 2,800 readers look forward to receiving their Monticello Express every week to keep up on the latest news and sports in the area, as well as local advertising and information.

The Shoppers’ Guide serves over 10,300 customers, with local and regional advertising, including: grocery stores, entertainment, retail, help wanted, real estate, financial, automotive dealers and more.

The Monticello Express office is open Monday-Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Rack Locations: The Monticello Express may be purchased at Fareway, Caseys, Kardes.

Contact Us

Street Address: 111 E. Grand St., Monticello, IA 52310

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 191, Monticello, IA 52310

Phone: 319-465-3555


Website: www.monticelloexpress.com

Sycamore Media Corp


Trevis Mayfield


Editor Kim Brooks kbrooks@monticelloexpress.com


Sports Editor Pete Temple ptemple@monticelloexpress.com


Rae Ann Manternach  advertising@monticelloexpress.com


Teresa Reuter  treuter@monticelloexpress.net

Express Printing:

Dan Goodyear dgoodyear@monticelloexpress.com


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