4-H NEWS 2-14-24

Prairie Hill

   The Prairie Hill 4-H Club held its regular monthly meeting on Monday, Jan. 22, 2024 at the Jones County Youth Development Center.

   The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. by President Lily Moestchen. Kinley Gassman led the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll call question, “What is your favorite winter activity?” was answered by 20 members.

   The minutes from the December meeting were read by Secretary Roth Schnoor. Motions to approve the report were made by Lilly Cupples and Eli Moestchen. Leah Koehler gave the Treasurer’s Report. Motions to approve the Treasurer’s Report were made by Dalton Ricklefs and Lake Schnoor. Kinley Gassman and Rynn Schnoor made motions to approve payment of new bills.

   New Business: Dalton Ricklefs gave a presentation about the steps of flying, Isaac Hovey gave a presentation on photography, and Kylee McElmeel gave a presentation on recycling newspapers and magazines.

   Harper Russell made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and it was seconded by Caleb Toenjes. Pledge to the 4-H Flag was led by Eli Moestchen. 

 – Miranda Rieken, reporter





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