Camp Courageous fruitcakes now available

The Annual Camp Courageous Fruitcake Sale is underway.
Stuffed with candied cherries, diced pineapple, walnuts, Brazil nuts, pecans, golden raisins, and sweetened coconuts, these fruitcakes have just enough batter to hold everything together. They are 1 pound each, contain no alcohol or citron, and are available now through the Camp Store website ( and at a variety of locations ( across Iowa while supplies last.
• Camp Courageous
• Fareway
• Whiffle Tree Mercantile
• Savor the Barn (Langworthy)
• Fareway
• Brothers Market
Proceeds from all fruitcake sales help make camp possible for nearly 10,000 campers each year.
For more information, go to and find “Fruitcakes” under the Fundraisers menu. Questions can be directed to 319-465-5916 ext. 2420 or by email at