'Dairy Best Heifer' webinar series is set

   Join the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach dairy team as they discuss “raising your dairy best heifer” during a summer webinar series. The series will cover practical heifer management topics.

   “Nearly 25 percent of a dairy's production costs are in raising heifer replacements, thus a considerable amount of feed, time and facilities must be invested to optimize growth for heifers to calve at an appropriate age,” said Jennifer Bentley, dairy specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach.

   “That is why this topic of raising your ‘dairy best’ heifers can have significant financial and herd benefits.”

   Each session will cover a different topic related to heifer management, with a question and answer session at the end for any questions participants may have.

Dates and speakers

   • June 3: Maternity Management – Howard Tyler, associate professor of animal science, Iowa State University.

   • June 10: Heifer Feeding Strategies – Gail Carpenter, associate professor, dairy extension and outreach, Iowa State.

   • June 24: Colostrum Management – Dr. Phillip Jardon, clinical associate professor, extension veterinarian, Iowa State University; and Jennifer Bentley, dairy specialist, ISU Extension and Outreach.

   • July 8: Managing Heifer Inventory – Greg Palas, dairy records management system, and Fred Hall, dairy specialist, ISU Extension and Outreach.

   • July 22: Heifer Health – Dr. Phillip Jardon, clinical associate professor, extension veterinarian, Iowa State.

   • July 30: Heifer Reproduction – Victor Gomez, associate professor, extension dairy specialist, Kansas State University.

   • Aug. 5: Heifer Benchmarking – Gail Carpenter, associate professor, dairy extension and outreach, Iowa State.

   • Aug. 12: Heifer Grower Panel –  to be determined.

   • Aug. 19: Economics of Raising Heifers – Larry Tranel, dairy specialist, Iowa State.

Those interested in participating in the webinar series can register online at https://go.iastate.edu/DAIRYBESTHEIFER.

   For more information, contact dairy specialist Fred Hall at 712-737-4230 or fredhall@iastate.edu; Jennifer Bentley at 563-382-2949 or jbentley@iastate.edu; or Larry Tranel at 563-583-6496 or tranel@iastate.edu.




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