Dairy technology webinar is planned

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will host a webinar series focused on implementing dairy technology on the farm. The webinars will provide information on economics, facility design and management practices.
The webinars will be held on Thursdays (March 25, April 8, April 22 and May 6) via Zoom from noon to 1:15 p.m.
The March 25 session will feature information on using time-lapse cameras to identify dairy facility design and management issues that impact performance. The webinar will be led by Brian Dougherty, field ag engineer at ISU Extension and Outreach, and Dan McFarland, Penn State Extension ag engineering educator.
On April 8, Fred Hall, dairy specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach, in northwest Iowa, will lead the discussion focusing on sensor technology.
James Koltes, assistant professor in animal science at Iowa State, will outline how the university dairy uses two different systems and how he uses sensory devices in his research on the dairy. Industry reps and producers will also share their experience with their monitoring devices.
The third webinar will be held on April 22 and will include Dougherty providing facility layout recommendations for successful implementation of automatic milking systems into new or existing facilities. Dougherty will be joined by ISU Extension and Outreach dairy specialist Larry Tranel and a University of Minnesota dairy educator as they discuss economics of robotic milking systems and recommended management practices to make implementation successful.
The fourth and final webinar will be held on May 6 with the focus on automatic calf feeder management. Jenn Bentley, northeast dairy specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach, will provide recommendations for successful management of automatic calf feeders. Bentley will be joined by Gail Carpenter, Iowa State assistant professor in animal science, as she talks about feeding practices within auto feeders. Dougherty will also provide information on calf facility design.
There is no fee for the program. However, registration is required. Register in advance at: http://www.aep.iastate.edu/dairy-tech
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
For more information on the webinar series, contact Bentley at jbentley@iastate.edu or 563-382-2949. Dougherty can be reached at brian1@iastate.edu or 563-583-6496; and Hall at fredhall@iastate.edu or 712-737-4230.