Donations sought for Shop with a Cop

   The Jones County Family Council is preparing for the 8th Annual Shop with a Cop event.

   On Monday, Dec. 9, and Monday, Dec. 16, middle school students throughout Jones County will have the opportunity to scour the aisles of Wal-Mart in Anamosa to shop for the holidays alongside a friendly law enforcement officer. The children will be shopping for gifts for their immediate family members and loved ones.

   With the goal of serving 60 kids last year, Sherri Hunt, a member of the Family Council, said they reached their goal thanks to the generous support of many different organizations and individuals. Each child received a $125 gift card to spend, all of which was supported through donations and grants. Hunt is hoping to again hit that 60-child participation mark again, with an opportunity to serve even more children.

   “I think the event represents the true spirit of the holiday season by teaching our children to give and be kind,” she said. “And it’s so much fun with such wonderful law enforcement officers and volunteers. It’s a true community effort.”

   Local law enforcement agencies, Jones County middle schools, Wal-Mart, and the Anamosa State Penitentiary are all on board to participate again this year.

   “Everyone has such a great time with this event and are eager to participate and help out where needed,” Hunt said. “They are willing to do whatever it takes to make this a safe and fun event for our kiddos.”

   The Jones County Family Council is all about preventing child abuse and protecting children. By partnering with several law enforcement agencies, Hunt said

the council wants these middle schoolers to know that these officials are good people and someone they can turn to in time of need.

   “Building that relationship is so important,” she said.

   Hunt shared that the Penitentiary graciously holds its own internal fundraiser, and last year was able to raise over $3,000. Combined with grants from DuTrac, the Anamosa Lions Club, and Wal-Mart, as well as various private donations, over $7,000 was raised to support the 60 participating children in 2023.

   Shop with a Cop serves fifth through eighth graders in the Anamosa, Midland, Monticello, and Olin school districts. Hunt works closely with school counselors to help identify students.

   “It’s all about sharing the joy,” she said. “We want the kids to feel important and experience the joy of giving so maybe someday they’ll be inspired to give back in their community.”

   The Jones County Family Council is still seeking donations to help fulfill their of goal of serving 60-plus youth for the event. Donations can be dropped at both the Anamosa and Monticello Police Departments, the Jones County Sheriff’s Office, or

mailed to the Jones County Family Council, P.O. Box 472, Anamosa, IA 52205.

   You can also contact the Family Council, Hunt, at and 319-551-3402 for more information.


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