ISU Extension & Outreach News

     Scholarship Assistance Day: Sunday, Jan. 22, 1:30-4 p.m., Jones County Youth Development Center. There will be computers, staff and volunteers available to assist students and their families in exploring various scholarships and opportunities.

     Volunteers will be actively assisting in completing scholarship applications that are due by Feb. 1. There are over 90 scholarship opportunities valued at over $90,000.

     Winter Plunge: Friday, Jan. 27, and Saturday, Jan. 28. Come plunge into 4-H at an overnight trip to Pictured Rocks Camp in Monticello. You will explore the outdoors, learn outdoor survival skills, and enjoy a winter campfire with other 4-Hers from Benton, Jones, and Linn counties.

     Check-in will be Friday beginning at 4-6 p.m. You will stay the night in the cabins at Pictured Rocks, have fun outside on Saturday, and be ready to go home at 2 p.m. that afternoon.

     The cost is $40 per person.

     Spend Smart Eat Smart in the Childcare Business (online class): Thursday, Jan. 19, 6:15-8:15 p.m. Good nutrition does not have to be expensive. Childcare providers will learn strategies to save money on their food expenses while incorporating new ideas into menu planning. All classes are approved for the Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS) Childcare Professional Development, and Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).

     The cost is $25. Registration is required. To register, go to the Iowa Childcare Provider Training Registry at You can pay online.


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