School board members reminisce…

Mark Rieken
Mark Rieken
In honor of School Board Recognition Month, the Monticello Express will spotlight a different member of the Monticello Community School District Board of Education each week in May.
This week, get to know Board member Mark Rieken…
What was your favorite subject in school?
Mathematics and history.
What did you like about school as a kid?
I really enjoyed meeting all those new kids and playing games outside. So many of them became great lifelong friends.
What were you involved in throughout middle school and high school?
I was in National Honor Society. I played football and some basketball. And I enjoyed the “skipping lunch club,” which may not have been a sanctioned extra curricular.
Advice to students today about the importance of education?
The education you receive at MCSD is FREE for you. Take advantage of it. It will last you a lifetime. Take classes like art or shop or home economics. Those classes give you something that sticks with your forever and they can be so much fun! Try out for band, choir, or the play. You may have a great time and meet new lifelong friends there. Study and have fun.