Skillful seniors guide Monticello chapter


     A strong senior class has led the Monticello FFA Chapter with each member’s skill and knowledge.

     Among this year’s chapter seniors:


     Name: Marissa Recker.

     Offices held: President, Secretary, Historian.

     Parents/Guardians: Cory and Emily Recker.

     Home town: Hopkinton.

     SAE project: Outdoor Recreation.

     FFA activities: Ag Biotechnology, Food Science and Technology, Nursery Landscape, Livestock Judging, District Floriculture, Iowa Degree, Legislative Symposium, Washington Leadership Conference, FFA Volleyball, Feed the Farmers.

     Most memorable FFA activity or accomplishment: Starting Feed the Farmers in 2017, and successfully delivering meals even though it was raining all day.

     Future plans: Attend the University of Nebraska-Omaha to pursue a degree in architectural engineering.


     Name: Caleb Hogan.

     Office held: Vice President (two years).

     Parents/Guardians: Dominic and Karen Hogan.

     Home town: Monticello.

     SAE project: Manage a 2,400-head hog barn.

     FFA activities: FFA Fall Festivals, FFA Banquets, Fruit Sales, Hay and Grain Show, Beasts of the East Hog Show, County Fair and State Fair Exhibitor, State and National Convention, Sub-Districts, Livestock Judging, Greenhand, Chapter and State Degrees; Districts, Greenhand Quiz, Feed the Farmers, Northeast Sub-District Livestock Judging.

     Most memorable FFA activity or accomplishment: Receiving third gold at State for Swine Placement Proficiency.

     Future plans: Going to Kirkwood Community College to major in ag business, then transfer to Iowa State to get my bachelor’s degree.


     Name: Gavin Cooper.

     Office held: Sentinel.

     Parents/Guardians: Brian and Becky Cooper.

     Home town: Monticello.

     SAE project: SGR Farms and SGR Plumbing and Heating.

     FFA activities: Ag Sales, Parliamentary Procedure, Ag Mechanics, FFA Volleyball, National Convention, FFA Officer, Ag Business Management.

     Most memorable FFA activity or accomplishment: Going to National Convention with friends and waiting for the girls to get to the car every morning.

     Future plans: Attend Iowa State University to major in animal science and minor in genetics. Plans are to eventually become a bovine nutritionist and embryologist.


     Name: Chloe Gray.

     Office held: Co-Reporter.

     Parents/Guardians: Kevin and Diane Gray.

     Home town: Monticello.

     FFA activities: State FFA Band, State Convention, 212 Conference, District Contest, Washington Leadership Conference, Subdistricts, FFA Volleyball, Feed the Farmers.

     Most memorable FFA activity or accomplishment: Washington Leadership Conference.

     Future plans: Double major in marketing and journalism at the University of Oregon.


     Name: Sophie Gray.

     Office held: Reporter and Historian.

     Parents/Guardians: Kevin and Diane Gray.

     Home town: Monticello.

     SAE project: Religious education teacher, Karde’s 151, The Cone Shoppe, FFA wreaths.

     FFA activities: FFA Volleyball, 212 Conference, Washington Leadership Conference, Feed the Farmers, Nursery and Landscape Skills Event, Conduct of Meetings, Chapter Officer Leadership Training, FFA Olympics.

     Most memorable FFA activity or accomplishment: Washington Leadership Conference.

     Future plans: Attend the University of Oregon to major in journalism with an emphasis in public relations and minor in international studies.


     Name: John Welter.

     Office held: Reporter.

     Parents/Guardians: Ron and Lori Welter.

     Home town: Monticello.

     SAE project: Landscaping and hired hand for local grain farmer.

     FFA activities: Volleyball, State Convention, National Convention, Districts, Ag Mechanics.

     Most memorable FFA activity or accomplishment: Obtaining skills through agriculture can help anyone be a better person.

     Future plans: Attend Kirkwood, majoring in business management.


     Name: Tom Dirks.

     Parents/Guardians: Dennis and Michelle Dirks.

     Home town: Monticello.

     SAE project: Working on the family farm.

     Future plans: Attend Kirkwood Community College for advanced welding technologies.


     Name: Lydia Franzenburg

     Parents/Guardians: Stan and Molly Franzenburg.

     Home town: Monticello.

     FFA activities: FFA Volleyball, National Convention sophomore year.

     Most memorable FFA activity or accomplishment: Attend Mount Mercy University to study nursing and play golf.


     Name: Aspen Gillmore.

     Parents/Guardians: Kurt and Tammy Gillmore.

     Home town: Monticello.

     FFA activities: National Convention, District CDEs, Fall Fest Activities, FFA Banquets.

     Most memorable FFA activity or accomplishment: Going to National Convention in Indianapolis, Ind. with Marissa, Sydney, Megan, Lydia, Gavin and Avery.


     Name: Cayce Gudenkauf.

     Parents/Guardians: Angie Eggiman and Dustin Gudenkauf.

     Home town: Monticello.

     SAE project: Gardening in the summer, raise three rabbits year-round.

     FFA activities: State Convention.

     Most memorable FFA activity or accomplishment: 2016-17 State Convention.

     Future plans: X-Ray technician.


     Name: Sydney Hansen.

     Parents/Guardians: Jason Hansen and Kim Kray.

     Home town: Monticello.

     FFA activities: Group CDEs (ETA and Quizzes), FFA Volleyball, National Convention.

     Most memorable FFA activity or accomplishment: Getting a gold rating at Districts for ETA, and National Convention.

     Future plans: Attend Kirkwood Community College for a year and transfer to Allen College in Waterloo to receive a bachelor’s degree in nursing.


     Name: Jaelynn Kraus.

     Parents/Guardians: Don and Nikki Kraus.

     Home town: Monticello.

     FFA activities: State FFA Horse CDE, Feed the Farmers.

     Most memorable FFA activity or accomplishment: My group receiving top 10 both years for horse judging.

     Future plans: Attend Kirkwood Community College and transfer to UNI to major in elementary education and minor in special education.


     Name: Jordan Lorenzen.

     Parents/Guardians: Matthew and Robin Lorenzen.

     Home town: Monticello.

     SAE project: Monticello Jellystone and McOtto’s.

     FFA activities: National Convention, State Convention, Freshman Creed Speaking, Biotechnology, State CDE, Food Science State CDE, District Floriculture CDE, FFA Volleyball.

     Most memorable FFA activity or accomplishment: Winning first overall individual in the Biotechnology CDE freshman year.

     Future plans: Attend Wartburg to major in biology and minor in psychology and leadership.


     Name: Avery Martensen.

     Parents/Guardians: Jason and Pam Martensen.

     Home town: Onslow.

     SAE project: Ag Construction and Maintenance.

     FFA activities: National Convention, Ag Mechanics, FFA Volleyball, State Convention.

     Most memorable FFA activity or accomplishment: Playing MLB against Mr. Schmitt in the hotel room at State Convention.

     Future plans: Attend Hawkeye Community College to study criminal justice and run track. After Hawkeye I plan on enlisting in the Navy.


     Name: Lake Stahlberg.

     Parents/Guardians: Mark and Becky Stahlberg.

     Home town: Monticello.

     FFA activities: Sub-district Trapshoot, District Convention.

     Most memorable FFA activity or accomplishment: Winning the Trapshoot at the Monticello Conservation League.

     Future plans: Attend Kirkwood Community College to earn a degree in welding and CNC machining.


     Name: Austin Timm.

     Parents/Guardians: John and Joanne Timm.

     Home town: Monticello.

     SAE project: Beef.

     FFA activities: Iowa Degree, Chapter Award, Greenhand Award, Livestock Judging, Ag Mechanics, Beef Production Efficiency, showed breeding beef at the Iowa State Fair.

     Most memorable FFA activity or accomplishment: Receiving my Iowa Degree.

     Future plans: Attend Kirkwood Community College for diesel ag mechanics.



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