Tips on seasonal ventilation maintenance
Fall is a great time to plan for seasonal ventilation maintenance and manure pit pump-out.
Brett Ramirez, an agriculture and biosystems engineer with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, says taking time now will help ensure these critical steps are completed before cold weather arrives.
“It’s critical to get barns ready for winter to help reduce heating costs and provide a good environment for the pigs,” he said. “Routine equipment inspections and maintenance will pay dividends in the long run.”
The Iowa Pork Industry Center’s Winter Ventilation Checklist AE3553B is a timely tool for this seasonal job. Available as a free download from the Iowa State University Extension Store, the checklist can be printed and laminated for use as needed.
Along with ventilation maintenance, Ramirez reminds producers that pit pumping requires attention and awareness, with safety at the top of the list.
“We want to follow best practices for agitation; this is a key first step,” he said.
With best practices in mind, follow these safe operation procedures:
• Never enter the building while pumping — use caution tape, mark barn entrances, and alert everyone that pumping is occurring.
• If possible, remove animals from the portion of the barn where agitation and removal will occur.
It may be worth investing in a gas monitor. If you have one, have it handy during pumping.
• Make sure someone is at the site during pumping, and that they have a copy of the emergency action plan.
Prohibit smoking, open flames and spark-producing activities in the immediate vicinity.
• Observe animals for signs of noxious gas distress.